Friday, February 21, 2020

Shinto Current Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Shinto Current Issues - Essay Example In this respect, religions of the Oriental world appear to be extremely interesting for research and deductive in their heart from the perspective of their main principle of leading a spiritual life in harmony with inner and outer world. One of such confessions or rather to say ways of life is the Shinto religion. So, lets consider common characteristics of Shintoism and Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism in general and a specific contemporary state of Shintoism in particular. â€Å"Today, if you ask what religion they follow, most Japanese would say that they do not follow any religion† (Miyamoto, 2011).The same image appears in other countries of the Oriental world, for its peoples really don’t confess any religion but abide this or that living philosophy. One way or another, there is nothing surprising in the fact that all nations of the same semantically unionized area share some common traits in their believes. As it has been mentioned above, Shintoism, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism advocate the same key principle of a balanced life within nature and the world. It refers to a grateful and favorable attitude towards everything of animated and inanimate nature, as any creature comes laden with a particular meaning for the world (everything has its sole). Moreover, a destiny of stones, trees, animals, humans is defined by their positively or negatively lived being, which is led by a particular way of thinking. As a r esult, souls are degenerated influenced by deeds and their effects while living. Hence, there is another common characteristic, that is, a belief in circulation of life and death, reincarnation of soul into bodies of inanimate subjects, animals, humans and gods (Bumb, 2010). Polytheism is the next common denominator of the Oriental religions, since there are numerous gods, the great people and

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Effects of the Great Depression on Children Essay

The Effects of the Great Depression on Children - Essay Example It is an idea of creating a clinic, which will give the needed services to the children who are economically challenged families. For this clinic to be successful and efficient, some employees must be involved. They must be qualified to be dedicated to their work. They must be equipped to develop a health center with services that focus on the prevention of some diseases (Dunlop, 1995). Two doctors must be hired, and four nurses who will help to provide the necessary services. The support staffs hired should be from the local for the benefit of the community. Equipment is the most essential, therefore, spending a lot to purchase and maintain will enable the doctors and nurses perform their work effectively. The staff should be there to give the needed support to the doctors and nurses (Dunlop, 1995). The clinic will handle approximately 150 children in a day. The possible challenges might be the shortage of employees and equipment to be used. Lack of support from the government to the clinic will be a challenge too. Children who may not get the required service may get a referral to other hospitals. Those who cannot afford the stated cost may acquire medical cover early enough for future