Thursday, December 26, 2019

Shakespeare Movie vs Play - 712 Words

Shakespeares Othello: Movie (Oliver parker 1995) Vs. Play Oliver parkers Othello came out in 1995 with Laurence Fishburne as Othello this is also the first time Othello was played by a coloured actor, Kenneth Branagh as Iago and Irene Jacob as Desdemona. Parker kept the original plot and language intact, however the movie seemed to give Othello life through visual and audio aids. Parkers Othello enables the viewer to associate on a personal level and compliments to the anticipation and imagination of those who have read the play before watching the movie. The audio although normally overpowered by the visual aspect played a key role in defining and empowering the movie. The music was fast and uplifting during celebration and on†¦show more content†¦Some of the best visuals in Parkers movie adaptation of Othello were not in the script, the black and white chess pieces, water, wedding, sea burial, the dagger, and the glimpses of Cassio and Desdemona together. The chess pieces seem to symbolise Iagos plan to destroy Othello and Desd emona and also the sea burial later in the movie. Oliver used a lot of fire and water images throughout the movie, water seemed to represent ill fate, water foreshadows death or something bad. Desdemona was in the bath the night she was killed and Othello even washed is hands and face before he killed Desdemona. The fire and light in Olivers movie seemed to represent safety and warmth, When Othello is about to kill Desdemona he blows out the candle. The candle represents Desdemona and how her time to live is coming to an end. Oliver plays with light through the background, Scenes which involve Desdemona are bright and lit up until her death and scenes which involve Iago are dark and lack brightness.Othellos clothes were indicators to his own personal change in the beginning he would wear white and clothes different to the others but towards the end the clothes he was wearing were black. These colours reflect the moors mood at different times of the play. The movie however had some weak points that pulled it away from shakespeares original intent with the script. There was a lot more emphasis on sexuality in the movie than Shakespeares play intended. There is alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Tempest: 3 Differences Between the Play and the Movie952 Words   |  4 PagesDifferences Between The Play And Movie â€Å"The Tempest† â€Å"The Tempest† is a play written by William Shakespeare in early 1600s that has been previewed in different kinds of movies, such as the one made in 2010, directed by Julie Taymor. It is a play containing themes such as; revenge, allusion, retribution, forgiveness, power, love and hatred. When it is compared to the play, there are specific differences seen in the movie, such as; Prospero is reflected as a woman in the movie. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Being a Teenage Mother Essay - 1377 Words

It was a beautiful afternoon on the bay of Huntington Beach. Just what would be expected of any regular day in California. The sun was shining inexplicably, as if it knew what was coming, the sky was clear with one cloud across the horizon, the sand was boiling and I could literally feel the bottom of my foot melting away. The air was scented with the sweetness of spring and refreshed by gentle breezes. There are families everywhere I look, playing endlessly with their kids, throwing beach balls around, tanning their bodies until it turns to ebony, walking their precious dogs, and riding their bicycles until their muscles deteriorated. The beach is adult’s playground. She appeared, emerged, surfaced, arrived fashionably late flaunting,†¦show more content†¦Obviously, she was a teenage mother who went through difficult times. â€Å"Being a teenage mother is the single most difficult thing I have ever gone through. Having my daughter at the age of seventeen was frightening. My world was altered from a world of dates, parties, sleepovers and waiting for a Saturday so you can sleep late, to the world of diapers, baby formulas, bills, doctors, appointments, and day care. Amanda is head strong, independent, courageous, and once she has made up her mind, little can be done to convince her otherwise. Through all of the obstacles that the world has put her way, and all the situations life has brought her, Amanda still knows that all the decisions she took may not have been the best. However, she learned from her mistakes to make better judgements. â€Å"I regret things that I didn’t do in my life more than things that I have done. The things that I have done in my life that I should regret are the things I learned from, which at the end of it all, are what make me stronger. Without these mistakes I would have never learned, and I would have never been mature enough to take care of my beautiful kids. So for me, I try not to regret anything that I’ve done. I accept what was, cherish what is, and hope for a future that is filled with promise in the things to come†. In the background Harmony and AdamShow MoreRelatedExperiences Of Being A Teenage Mother1812 Words   |  8 PagesExperiences of Being a Teenage Mother in the UK. The aim of this review is to observe and describe the experiences of being a Teenage Mother. To also create guidelines to help develop a support programme that is contextual and relevant to the needs of teenage mothers. It was found that previous education experiences and social support groups were important factors in influencing the way teenage mothers have adapted to being a mother and how they practiced childcare. Becoming a teenage mother formed theRead MorePreventing Hispanic Teenage Mothers From Being Able For Graduate High School908 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many barriers which prevent Hispanic teenage mothers from being able to graduate high school. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Visual Arts

Visual Arts- Wenda Gu and Shayne Higson Essay Discuss how cultural experience informs the practice of artists, art critics, art historians and/or curators. The influence of cultural experiences from different worlds has altered artists perceptions on their concept of depicting art, which is displayed in their series of artworks. Artists including Wanda Gu, Shawnee Higgins and William Gentrified demonstrate various aspects Of the cultural world they live in such as their background, shown through their artists practice. Wanda Gu questions the distinction between cultural languages, race and gender in his artworks United Nation, 2001 and Forest of stone steles, 1993-2003. Similarly, William Gentrified offers his experiences through the distinction and separation of people by their skin colors shown in his artworks Procession of the dispossessed, 1983 and Procession in the landscape with highest, 1989. While Shawnee Higgins demonstrates her cultural world through her real life experience of the political issue that is occurring in Australia which is emerging in her artworks Unsuitable, 2000 and Give me Warmth, 2004. These artists cultural experience significantly informs their practice through their artworks. Wanda Gu was born in china and graduated from the Shanghai school of Arts in 1979. He gained interest in the creation of unreadable calligraphy as he relates it to his lack of understanding towards most seal-style characters. Gu began to establish fake Chinese characters since he became inspired by the mistake he made, which lead him into creating an artwork that challenges the traditional medium through its monumental size and false ideograms. His idea was to contrast it to the controlling traditions However his artwork was not accepted to be revealed to the public as it showed no political messages like propaganda that benefits Chicanes society. Due to his countries rejection, Gu left for America where he loud actually experiment with his interests. Wanda Gu explored many issues relating to the concerns Of cross cultural understanding and the changing Of world cultures in response to globalization. These concepts are being displayed in his artwork United Nations, shown in the National gallery Of Australia; where Gu uses human hair from different country and assemble into translucent wall that is designed specifically for a country. The installation allows the audience to interact with the artwork as they deconstruct Guys idea and what he is trying to express. There was various way of interpreting his work, during that time lobar issues affect the way people decoded the armor. According to various countries, hair was seen as either their soul or a representation of power, while its color reflects the multiculturalism in Australia. The installation also consists of scrolls that have a combination to Chinese seal script and other countries character, hung above the translucent screen, that was aim to provoke questions on cultural and racial divides. Another addenda Guavas installation Forest to stone steles is set up by having stone slabs being place on the floor and 162 ink rubbings all around the walls. These pieces have calligraphers that he has once again created to challenge the notion of translation. The audience could easily misinterpret the characters as they are unreadable thus only shows the lack of cultural understanding. He uses script to give an idea of how he felt towards his cultural experiences through the importance of languages as it displays identity from individuals style of writing. Chicanes controlling tradition in art had shaped Wanda Guys concept of depicting identity as he questions it through text using calligraphy relating it to issues like translation and globalization.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Two extravagances to exclude reason, to admit only reason Essay Example For Students

Two extravagances: to exclude reason, to admit only reason Essay Yet, as I realized when I met French exchange students last month, this was, in fact, a hasty statement. Here, if reason as a way of knowing was taken as the standard, the conclusion seemed to be absolutely true; however, the truth was that the process of arriving at the conclusion was faulty. A similar example was seen in the case of the Singaporean government. A few years ago, after implementation of capital punishment, the government saw that the crime rate fell, and immediately deduced that the move was effective. We will write a custom essay on Two extravagances: to exclude reason, to admit only reason specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now However, the truth remains that there could have been several other reasons for this drop, such as reduced poverty, or greater literacy, none of which were accounted for. In this case, one sees that the governments mode of reasoning was not incorrect: but yet, there was a fallacy (post hoc ergo propter hoc),11 which severely obstructed the conclusion. Additionally, the subjective viewpoint of reasoning can cause confrontation. The fact that reasoning is individual-specific12 means that there is a possibility of it being influenced by personal ignorance, laziness or prejudice. A perfect example would be the current Middle East scenario: each nation embroiled in the conflict, be it Palestine, Israel, Syria or Lebanon, defends their stand strongly using reason: be it the need for a Jewish homeland, the infringement of Palestinian sovereignty or the religious connection as the argument. Yet, the truth remains that all these stands are probably influenced by prejudice: the Israelis are Zionist13, the Palestinians angry at the loss of their homeland, and the Arabs driven by religious solidarity. Although all their reasoning may be correct, here reasoning provokes confrontation as it adds a prejudiced certainty and stubbornness to each viewpoint. Furthermore, it is often seen that people build on such prejudiced reasoning, and expand their knowledge claims on the basis of it14. These lead to a faulty knowledge spiral and a chain of ignorance. One also sees that reason can cause a complete lack of empathy and humanity in ones approach. To elaborate on this, I have to refer to the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata15. In the epic, the villainous Duryodhana won a gambling match against his cousins, and as per the rules set forth, reasoned that it would be suitable to send them for a 14-year exile period. Using this example, we see that it is definitely justifiable if merely reason is used in the deduction process. However, the fact remains that this comes across as a heartless and cruel act, one that is often condemned and can only be countered through use of emotion. In this way, it is often necessary to maintain a balance with other ways of knowing to eliminate these weaknesses of reason. Reason definitely develops consistent beliefs, which provide several strengths to its nature. Furthermore, these justified true beliefs are the basis of rational languages, adding a sense of logic and clarity to thoughts. However, it has various doubts shrouded over its use as a way of knowing, resulting in a variety of weaknesses. Hence, it is ideal if balanced by other ways of knowing. For example, as the philosopher Edward De Bono said, reason may be a prison of consistency16, and needs to be merged with other ways of knowing. Reason is an excellent way of knowing, but it falls desperately short when not used with the others. Bibliography: Books: Connors, Hamish , Reasoning with life, Colorado: Westview Press, 2005 Kim, Jaegwon, Philosophy of the Mind (Colorado: Westview Press, 2005 Kirkland, George, Knowledge and its aspects, New York: New York University Press, 2001 Lehrer, Keith, Theory of Knowledge. Colorado: Westview Press, 2000 Van de Lagemaat, Richard. Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Websites: Nizkor. The Nizkor Project: 42 fallacies www. nizkor. org http://www. nizkor. org/features/fallacies/ (Accessed 8th February, 2009) Threes. .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 , .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 .postImageUrl , .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 , .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968:hover , .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968:visited , .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968:active { border:0!important; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968:active , .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968 .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue7b340acd8980b1aca29bbb475670968:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: THE 1999 FORD MUSTANG? EssayThe Book of Threes Types of Reasoning www. threes. com http://threes. com/cms/index. php? option=com_contenttask=viewid=1849Itemid=52 (accessed 28th February, 2009)(Accessed 10th February, 2009) 1 Richard van de Lagemaat, Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 111 2 Threes. The Book of Threes Types of Reasoning www. threes. com http://threes. com/cms/index. php? option=com_contenttask=viewid=1849Itemid=52 This source identifies three types of logic: deduction (Proof leading to answer), induction (answer first, the proof) and analogy (comparison). 3 A form of reasoning that moves from the general to the particular: it uses available information to come to a conclusion, by logically interpreting them 4 Hamish Connors, Reasoning with life, (Colorado: Westview Press, 2005), 95 5 George Kirkland, Knowledge and its aspects (New York: New York University Press, 2001), 102 6 A concept proposed by Rene Descartes as the only real way of attaining knowledge 7 For example, the Citi Group recently laid off 50000 workers, estimating the total fall in losses as $4mn. 8 Jaegwon Kim, Philosophy of the Mind (Colorado: Westview Press, 2005), 246 9 Nizkor. The Nizkor Project: 42 fallacies www. nizkor. org http://www. nizkor. org/features/fallacies/ 10 The concept whereby knowledge moves from specific information to vast generalizations. This is often known as a bottom-up approach 11 A fallacy that assumes that one thing is the cause of another, merely because it precedes the other 12 As shown before in the strengths 13 The section of the Jewish society who campaigned for an independent Jewish nation 14 Keith Lehrer, Theory of Knowledge (Colorado: Westview Press, 2000), 84. 15 Famous Indian epic, it forms an important part of Indian mythology. Today, it is a famous text in Hindu mythology. It focuses on the fights and wars between two groups of warring cousins: the Pandavas, and the Kauravas. 16 Richard van de Lagemaat, Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 135.