Thursday, December 26, 2019

Shakespeare Movie vs Play - 712 Words

Shakespeares Othello: Movie (Oliver parker 1995) Vs. Play Oliver parkers Othello came out in 1995 with Laurence Fishburne as Othello this is also the first time Othello was played by a coloured actor, Kenneth Branagh as Iago and Irene Jacob as Desdemona. Parker kept the original plot and language intact, however the movie seemed to give Othello life through visual and audio aids. Parkers Othello enables the viewer to associate on a personal level and compliments to the anticipation and imagination of those who have read the play before watching the movie. The audio although normally overpowered by the visual aspect played a key role in defining and empowering the movie. The music was fast and uplifting during celebration and on†¦show more content†¦Some of the best visuals in Parkers movie adaptation of Othello were not in the script, the black and white chess pieces, water, wedding, sea burial, the dagger, and the glimpses of Cassio and Desdemona together. The chess pieces seem to symbolise Iagos plan to destroy Othello and Desd emona and also the sea burial later in the movie. Oliver used a lot of fire and water images throughout the movie, water seemed to represent ill fate, water foreshadows death or something bad. Desdemona was in the bath the night she was killed and Othello even washed is hands and face before he killed Desdemona. The fire and light in Olivers movie seemed to represent safety and warmth, When Othello is about to kill Desdemona he blows out the candle. The candle represents Desdemona and how her time to live is coming to an end. Oliver plays with light through the background, Scenes which involve Desdemona are bright and lit up until her death and scenes which involve Iago are dark and lack brightness.Othellos clothes were indicators to his own personal change in the beginning he would wear white and clothes different to the others but towards the end the clothes he was wearing were black. These colours reflect the moors mood at different times of the play. The movie however had some weak points that pulled it away from shakespeares original intent with the script. There was a lot more emphasis on sexuality in the movie than Shakespeares play intended. There is alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Tempest: 3 Differences Between the Play and the Movie952 Words   |  4 PagesDifferences Between The Play And Movie â€Å"The Tempest† â€Å"The Tempest† is a play written by William Shakespeare in early 1600s that has been previewed in different kinds of movies, such as the one made in 2010, directed by Julie Taymor. It is a play containing themes such as; revenge, allusion, retribution, forgiveness, power, love and hatred. When it is compared to the play, there are specific differences seen in the movie, such as; Prospero is reflected as a woman in the movie. 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